Gastric Ballon Surgery Cost and Procedure Information

A gastric balloon is a non-surgical procedure that will help you achieve your long-term weight loss goals. In gastric balloon application, a deflated balloon is placed in your stomach through the esophagus. After the gastric balloon is placed in the stomach, it is inflated with salt water.


Procedure time 30-60 minutes
Overnight stay 1 Night
Anaesthetic General or local with sedation
Recovery time 12 Months
  • Overview of Gastric Balloon

    In gastric balloon application, the volume of the stomach is reduced by ⅓ on average as a result of inflating the balloon. Reducing the stomach volume allows the patient to start eating less food and lose weight over time. The gastric balloon usually stays in the stomach for 6-12 months.

  • Who is the Gastric Balloon Suitable for?

    Gastric balloon can be perfomed to people who cannot achieve permanent weight loss with non-surgical treatment methods and whose BMI is between 28-25. In this method, which provides support in adapting to diets and long-term lifestyle changes, the patient's future nutrition plan is important. Patients may be a suitable candidate for a gastric balloon if they have one or more of the following conditions:

    • If the person wants to lose weight before starting a different weight loss procedure to reduce the risk of Surgery,

    • If the person is seeking a non-surgical treatment,

    • If the person has frequent weight gain and loss problems.

    Gastric balloon can help people with these conditions to lose weight long-term. As a result of gastric balloon application, increased self-confidence, a better mood and an increase in energy level are observed. It also provides effective results in the prevention of diseases with an increased risk of development with obesity, such as type II diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and so on.

  • What are the Advantages of Gastric Balloon Method?

    Gastric balloon is a minimally invasive, non-surgical method with weight loss. It provides permanent weight loss and allows people to adapt to lifestyle changes. Long-term weight loss can improve conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and mobility issues. With weight loss, it positively affects the mood of people.

  • How is Gastric Baloon Performed?

    In gastric balloon application, a special tube with a camera at the end is passed through the mouth and directed from the esophagus to the stomach. A deflated balloon is placed at the end of the tube, and the tube is placed in the stomach and inflated with saline solution. The tube used is flexible and thin, easy to pass through the esophagus. During the application, the procedure can be made more comfortable by performing a special throat spray to the back of the throat. The tube is inflated at the right rate and left in the stomach, allowing it to take up space in the stomach. The tube passes through the esophagus and exits through the mouth. The gastric balloon remains floating in the stomach. Gastric balloon application takes 15-30 minutes on average.

  • Anesthesia

    In gastric balloon application, it is usually performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation. If the anesthetist and physician deem it appropriate, drugs can be given to make the patient feel comfortable.

  • What is the Process After Gastric Balloon ?

    After the gastric balloon application, patients may feel slight numbness and pain in the throat in the first moments. This condition disappears within a few hours and patients can usually be discharged on the same day. It is recommended that patients drive on the same day and not be alone for 24 hours.

  • Effects of Gastric Balloon Application

    Achieving permanent weight loss is a long-term task and it may take time to reach the ideal weight. Gastric balloon is an application that provides support in this process, but it is not enough on its own. The person needs to support the process with lifestyle changes and a good diet.


Here are some common FAQs that people ask. We hope that they help to answer some of the questions that you may have.

  • In Which Situations Is The Gastric Balloon Not The Solution?

    In gastric balloon application, patients must comply with the recommended diet program in order to achieve the desired result. Gastric balloon makes patients feel fuller and faster, but the targeted results may not be achieved if the patient eats unhealthy. In gastric balloon application, weight loss is not as fast as surgical methods, but the weight loss process is longer. Effective results are not obtained in patients with rapid weight loss goals and patients with a BMI above 28. Compared to other methods, gastric balloon has a permanence of 6-12 months.

  • What are the Risks and Complications of Gastric Baloon?

    Gastric balloon application, like all surgical procedures, carries potential risks and complications. The most common complication of gastric balloon application is nausea. The feeling of nausea will disappear as the stomach gets used to less space. In rare cases, the feeling of nausea may last for a long time in some patients. The symptoms disappear with the deflating and removal of the balloon. After the gastric balloon application, a localized pain may be felt in the abdomen and back. These pains disappear with the placement of the balloon. Indigestion and vomiting symptoms can be seen in the case of overfeeding the patients in a way that is not suitable for the diet. The rupture of the balloon is a very rare symptom, and if the balloon bursts while in the stomach, it passes through the intestine and is expelled naturally. If patients feel symptoms such as increasing pain, they should consult a specialist.

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