Gastric Bypass Surgery Cost and Procedure Information

Surgical methods in the treatment of obesity are becoming more and more popular and effective. In this method, which is also called bariatric surgery, it is aimed to reduce the size of the stomach and the length of the digestive system, to create significant and continuous weight loss. With gastric bypass, there is a reduction in the amount of food you can physically eat and the number of calories your digestive system can absorb.


Procedure time 2-3 Hrs
Overnight stay 2-3 Days
Anaesthetic General
Recovery time 3-5 Weeks
  • Overview of Gastric Bypass Operation

    Gastric bypass operation is an effective method that has been used quite frequently in recent years in the fight against obesity. The medical name for gastric bypass is a Roux-en-Y bypass and is administered by reducing the size of the stomach and the length of the digestive tract.

  • What is Gastric Bypass Surgery?

    After gastric bypass surgery, there is a decrease in the amount of food you can physically eat and the number of calories your digestive system can absorb. With this obesity surgery treatment method, it is possible to lose up to 70% of the excess weight per year. Gastric bypass operation can be applied to people with a BMI between 30-50. Gastric bypass operation can be performed after the specialist examines the risks such as the patient's current health status and accompanying diseases.

  • How is Gastric Bypass Surgery Performed?

    In gastric bypass operation, a pouch is created by cutting the upper part of the stomach with surgical intervention. This formed pouch is approximately the size of a walnut and can only hold up to 30 ml of food. After this stage, the surgeon makes an incision into the small intestine and connects it directly to the newly made pouch. When you start eating again after the operation, the food goes into this small sac of the stomach and directly into the small intestine. The foods taken into the body bypass most of the stomach and the beginning of the small intestine, and at the same time, weight loss is achieved by 2 different mechanisms by reducing the volume of the stomach.

  • What are the Advantages of Gastric Bypass Method?

    All obesity treatment methods have certain benefits. Some of the most common reasons why patients prefer gastric bypass instead of a different method can be listed as follows:

    • Permanent weight loss desire

    • Getting rid of physical limitations caused by overeating,

    • The operation has a well-established procedure that has been studied for many years,

    • Reducing the risk of diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke, which have an increased risk of developing due to obesity.

  • Who Is The Gastric Bypass Method Suitable For?
    • People with a BMI of 30 and above and those who have diseases accompanying obesity,

    • People with a BMI of 40 and above,

    • People who have physical or mental problems due to obesity,

    • People who health conditions are suitable for surgical intervention,

    • People who have tried diet and exercise to lose weight or have not been successful,

    • Those who are willing to commit to a new, healthier lifestyle after surgery.

  • What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Gastric Bypass Method?
    • People with gastric bypass have a higher rate of weight loss.

    • Gastric Bypass method is a technique that effects have been well studied and has been used for many years.

    • The Gastric Bypass method is permanent and unlike applications such as gastric banding, it cannot be reversed.

    • Due to the shortening of the digestive system in the operation, lifelong nutritional supplements are needed.

  • What is the Process After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

    After gastric bypass surgery may be 2 different types of incision scars. Surgeons usually apply using 'keyhole' incisions that involve inserting instruments through 1-5 small incisions. Some surgeons may prefer to operate in the traditional way using large incisions. Therefore, you are likely to have stitches after the operation. The gastric bypass procedure is performed under general anesthesia and this effect dissipates within a few hours. After gastric bypass surgery, you can be discharged after staying in the hospital for 1 to 3 nights. After gastric bypass surgery, it is necessary to gradually switch to solid food, starting with liquids for a few weeks. On average, food can be consumed normally within 6 weeks. Pain that can be felt after the operation can be prevented with prescribed simple painkillers. Patients can return to their routine life 1 to 2 weeks after the operation. Heavy physical activities should be avoided for at least 4 weeks.


Here are some common FAQs that people ask. We hope that they help to answer some of the questions that you may have.

  • What are the Risks and Complications of Gastric Bypass Surgery?

    Gastric bypass, like all surgeries, has some risks and complications. A rare but potentially serious complication from a gastric bypass procedure is the development of leakage where the stomach is cut to form a pouch. After gastric bypass, some dizziness, bloating, nausea, indigestion, and diarrhea may occur 10-30 minutes after eating foods high in sugar. It’s known as the Dumping Syndrome . After the operation, fever above 38°C, bad smell from the wound and redness spreading from the wound area are signs of infection. Therefore, if any of these symptoms are present, medical attention should be sought. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies may occur after gastric bypass surgery. Your surgeon will make every effort to ensure that none of these problems occur, and it is a very safe procedure when performed by an experienced surgeon.

  • Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Affect the Ability to Get Pregnant?

    Gastric bypass has a positive effect on pregnancy and childbirth. Many women with obesity experience infertility as a result of their weight. When weight is lost, fertility increases and the probability of getting pregnant becomes much higher. Losing weight will result in a significant reduction in the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

  • When Can I See the Results of Gastric Bypass Surgery?

    It may take 8 to 12 weeks to see the final results of gastric bypass surgery. At this point, patients begin to lose weight and with a suitable diet program, 60% of the excess weight can be lost in the first 2 years after the surgery. Excess weight loss is usually seen in the first six months after surgery, but some people find that their weight stabilizes after that. As with anyone aiming to lose weight, the rate of weight loss varies according to nutritional and physical activity status.

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